Last year, a new category was launched within the FIM CEV Repsol. It is a new Honda Brand Mono Cup that compares young talents of different nationalities. A trophy only reachable for those promises that are arriving to the tracks trampling. The first and current champion of this competition talks about the challenge it represents.

– Manu González, first champion of ETC. How does it feel to make history?

Being the first year, nobody knows the championship, everything is new. So it’s a good opportunity to try to win the title. You play with the advantage that no one knows how that Cup works, but with the inconvenience that you do not know either, “he said,” so it’s nice to win like that … fighting everyone equally.

– Conquering a title as disputed as this one should not be easy.

To win a championship is not easy… and even more if we are talking about the ETC.This is an economic cup, so many riders can make this effort and a lot of them are fast. It’s difficult to fight with this kind of riders. Each race, we were a big group fighting for the victory. Without doubts, I can claim these races are the hardest ones I have ever raced.


– In the 2nd edition of the Cup that is being played this year there are many levels and registered. Why?

I think that last year it was seen that this Cup is very well organized, with many races, in a beautiful contest like the FIM CEV Repsol and, besides, it is economical and comfortable to run. It is an affordable and easy to run championship. I think it meets the conditions of any rider

– Tell us how the Cup works.

It is a very fair championship, where the rider prevails over the bike. All teams have the same frame, in which they can make small changes allowed in the regulation but little else. That’s why races are so competitive, because there is no better brand, all the work and achievement is of the riders and team.

– Do you think it’s a good promotion cup for young promises?

Yes, definitely. I think it’s a great promotion cup. Having all the same equipment, that’s where the rider learns how to ride and show what it’s worth. That’s why the teams look at the Talent riders, because you show your skill on the bike, and that’s precisely the definition of ‘promotion cup’.